Our scents are designed to influence emotions and moods.
Smelling a scent is one of the quickest ways to act on how you feel, and some scents can directy influence your mood.
The nose has hundreds of olfactory receptors responsible for detecting odors. When we smell a scent, a coded message is sent to our brain, which transmits it to the limbic system, the seat of our emotions.
Our sense of smell is directly connected to the three most important areas of the brain: the orbitofrontal cortex (consciousness), the hippocampus (memory), and the amygdala, which categorizes smells in our minds, and allows us to associate emotions with them.
Refeel Naturals has developed “signature scents, designed by a master perfumer according to the codes of niche perfumery, in order to provoke positive emotions and contribute to global well-being.
Refeel Naturals has developed “signature scents, designed by a master perfumer according to the codes of niche perfumery, in order to provoke positive emotions and contribute to global well-being.

Textures designed to boost the transmission of emotions.
The skin is equipped with millions of tactile receptors which react to the slightest stimuli, the touch of a texture, the rebound of a cream, the contact with a grain of scrub, and transmit electrical signals to the brain, which will generate a physiological response.
Upon receipt of positive signals, the area of the brain responsible for our emotions will release endorphins which act directly on our well-being.

The textures of Refeel Naturals treatments are developed by a cosmetic formulator with the aim of maximizing sensations during application. Refeel Naturals treatments cultivate high sensory power to amplify positive emotions.

An aesthetic universe created to amplify emotions.
The beauty of what we see has a significant impact on our brain. Visual signals are transmitted from the optic nerve to the visual cortex. These signals are then sent to the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala, the brain areas responsible for regulating emotions and evaluating emotional stimuli, releasing endorphins, and affecting our mood, well-being, or motivation.
Every component of Refeel Naturals' aesthetic and creative universe is curated by an art director with the goal of intensifying emotions. Iconography, shapes vocabulary, typography, and color palette all contribute to magnifying emotions and influencing moods.